White Paper Summary

With 30 percent of claims payers achieving top performer status, what steps can the remaining 70 percent take to catch up? This is a pivotal question the Workers’ Compensation Benchmarking Study has continued to ask over its past decade of research.

Using the major drivers of claim outcomes as guideposts, this white paper condenses 10 years of investigation with claims executives and frontline professionals—which has resulted in more than 1,000 pages of text, tables, and graphs—into just four (4) key takeaways.

What all these key conclusions have in common is they identify how and what high-performing claims organizations are doing to achieve superior results and, therefore, how others may close the performance gap as well as keep pace with the industry’s overall advancement.

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The post 4 Key Takeaways from 10 Years of Work Comp Benchmark Study Data appeared first on Risk & Insurance.

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